Monday, September 7, 2009

Solar Power Generator - Home Tips

The sun is by far the biggest energy resource that is known to man and available for use right now. The fact that we get most of our energy through the unsustainable mining and misuse of planetary fossil resources is unacceptable when you understand just how much energy is emitted by the sun and how easy it is to capture and turn into usable electrical energy for our homes. On an annual basis, enough solar energy reaches the surface of the earth to cover more than ten thousand times the annual global energy demand and reserves. It is more than time that we started to use this solar energy to its full potential and stopped the needless destruction of our planet.

There is a distinction that can be made between direct solar energy and indirect solar energy. If you are interested in building a solar generator for your home, then it is direct solar energy that can be converted into useful energy and used for electrical or heating purposes. Wind, rivers and plants are examples of indirect forms of solar energy and can be used to generate electrical energy as well, although that is another subject matter. These technologies all use direct solar energy in one way or another:

: solar thermal power plants.
: solar water heating systems.
: passive heating by solar.
: photovoltaics or solar cells that produce electricity.

All of these technologies are important in the overall scheme of renewable energy solutions for the planet, however, if you are interested in generating electricity for your home, it is the technologies relating to solar cells or photovoltaics that will be of interest to you. It is much easier to produce your own solar energy system than you would ever imagine, all it takes is a small initial investment and a little time and motivation.

Building a solar power generator is an interesting, fun and important project that can reduce your energy bills and help you to save the planet at the same time. There are some fantastic online guides out there that can provide step by step instructions to help you to become more energy efficient and carbon neutral than you probably thought was possible. By beginning to use the sun more for our electricity needs we can all benefit along with our planet - so get yourself a guide and start building your solar power generator today.

Greg Morgan is a professional writer and blogger who is passionate about green issues and DIY technology. Please visit this blog - Make Your Own Energy to learn how to get started on your path to generating your own electricity.

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