Monday, September 7, 2009

Sink Water Filter - Discover the Dangers You Face Without One

Have you ever sat down to consider the many health benefits that you and your family could enjoy through the purchase and installation of a sink water filter? Many people still don't realize the dangers that they face every time that they pour themselves a glass of unfiltered tap water.

Do you realize that here we use around 80,000 industrial chemicals? Most, if not all of these harmful chemicals, have found their way by some method or another into our ground water supply. This means that traces of any or all of these chemicals may be present in your drinking water at home.

A high quality sink water filter is a necessity for your family due to the fact that there is no protection from these chemical contaminants that your local water treatment center can offer you. Their equipment is simply not designed to allow the blocking of these chemicals to be possible.

Of course they are also not able to stop the flow of certain parasites and cysts that are in our water supply either. You see, not every microbe is killed by the chlorine disinfection process that our drinking water receives. These parasites can cause serious harm to you if they are ingested.

A good sink water filter can protect your family from the harmful effects of all of these parasitic and chemical threats through the use of a four pronged system of filters. They are each designed to take care of a different problem area.

Let me explain to you exactly what is necessary in order for you to be fully protected.

What you need in order to rid yourself of all of the hazardous chemicals that are part of your drinking water supply are a multi block filter, and an activated granular carbon filter. These two are both necessary because of the vast array of the chemicals that are in our water.

Your sink water filter also needs to be armed with a sub micron filter in order to be able to rid you of the threat that is posed to you and your family by microscopic parasites and cysts. Your family can rest easy knowing that the threat that these microbes cause has been effectively abated.

Your system is not complete without the inclusion of a filter that will remove toxic heavy metals such as lead and copper from your drinking. An ion exchange filter is necessary in order to achieve this goal by trapping the traces of metal and replacing them with healthy electrolytes.

If you have a reasonably priced filter that employs all of the elements that I have mentioned in this article, then you and your family will be fully taken care of. But don't settle for anything less or there will still be contaminants present. You want your family to be as protected as possible.
Hopefully you now see what an integral role a sink water filter can play in your lives. There is no time like the present for starting your search for just the right model for you.

For free information on how to protect yourself from water contaminated with carcinogens, traces of drugs, hormones, parasites and other toxins click here Lauren Leddy is a consumer advocate and a dedicated researcher of health related issues. Visit her website now at and discover what she has learned that will help you select the very best water filtration system for your home or office.

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