Sunday, August 30, 2009

Learn How to Remove Wallpaper Easy

If you're attempting to remove wallpaper (W.P.) then you have come to the right place. Follow my simple tips and tricks. Not only will you save time and frustration, you will learn how to take it down the easy way. Wall-coverings can make a room look beautiful! However, when it becomes old, out dated, or torn, and your seams are coming apart, it's time to remove it. Most people go to their local hardware store to buy supplies and get some general advice. Most of the time, they purchase the wrong tools, the wrong wetting agent, and they get the wrong advice. Attempting to remove wall paper is a tricky matter. While you may find it a messy and time consuming job, don't try to avoid it by painting over it. This will worsen your removal project and is not an acceptable solution.

Safety is of the highest importance. Always turn off the electricity at the main panel or at the fuse box for the room that you will working in. Water and electricity don't mix. You will also be working with a bucket of water. Be very careful with young children and pets as they can easily fall into the bucket of water and get seriously injured. Keep all products and tools out of reach from young children and pets. We can't stress safety enough. Read all safety warnings on all products, before beginning your project.

With so many new W.P. removal products on the market today, how would you know which one to choose? Many of my customers have shown me the different products they've tried, all which have failed. They have damaged their walls, stained the ceiling and / or woodwork. The solution was as simple as trying a different wetting agent. Some people apply vinegar, or other household concoctions. If you use plain water, vinegar, or other homemade concoctions; the liquid will just drip down the wall and onto the floor. This is nothing but a waste of time. "dif liquid concentrate" is the product that i always use. It is a clear liquid. Removal wetting agents work by allowing the product to absorb into the wall paper. In order to remove paper successfully you have to use a wetting agent. The trick is, "LET THE WETTING AGENT DO THE WORK". Don't rush this process. Be sure to read the label carefully. Mix with water as directed on the label.

Finding the right direction to pull your paper off can make all the difference between hard and easy. Who knew that the direction you pull your paper, will make an incredible difference? When removing it dry or wet, try pulling from the baseboard up, if it does not remove easily, then try pulling from the ceiling down, if this does not work, try pulling sideways. Every job is different. Some remove easily dry, while others must be wet. To determine this, start at the bottom of the wall and lift a corner with a snap-off razor blade or the edge of your scraper. Many times the front of the paper removes easily dry. Most of the time the front removes dry, leaving the backing on the wall, this is normal. Remove the front dry and the backing wet. The backing will most always have to be wet. If pulling the front of the wall paper does not remove easily, or comes off in little pieces, then wet it. This includes all types of wallcoverings, vinyls, mylars, foils, grass cloths, embossed, textured, and many other types. Use your removal pump sprayer to wet the paper. Remember all papers removes differently. Therefore, if it isn't removing easily one way, always try pulling in another direction. This can make a big difference. And sometimes it is just a bear no matter what. If this method is not working, and you have tried everything, then you may want to try the scoring tool.

NOTE: To minimize wall damage, use in a circular motion, and do not apply too much pressure. The scoring tool should only be used after all the steps above have failed.

Apply the wetting agent faster and cleaner by using a one gallon pump sprayer. Don't apply with a little hand held bottle sprayer. This will waste a lot of time and is also very painful to your hands. The pump sprayer is quicker, easier, and less painful trust me. The removal sprayer will allow you to wet a larger area at one time, speeding up the time needed for removing the paper. Spray the paper, then let it set for about fifteen to twenty minutes. Don't rush this process; the wetting agent requires time to work. If you do not wait for the recommended time, removal will be very hard. Now that the surface has been wet, try to remove with a W.P. scraper. If the wallcovering is not coming off it may have to be wet one more time. Spray once again, wait about ten to fifteen minutes. This is how to remove wallpaper easy Now that the wetting agents have had time to work, remove the wall paper. This sprayer will make an incredible difference on how this speeds up the process.

Broad knives and scrapers may look alike, but they are very different. Be sure to use a wall paper removal scraper. I have tried every scraper possible, expensive as well as very cheap. Believe it or not the cheaper scraper worked the best for me. The right removal scraper is designed with a sharp shaving edge for stripping paper. This is exactly what you need. With the sharp shaving edge, you can get under the paper, definitely speeding up the process. Each side of the removal scraper works differently, flip the scraper over to see which side works best for you.

Now that you have successfully removed your paper, you now need to know "how to remove wallpaper paste" off the walls. Use your sprayer filled with water and wetting agent, and spray your walls. The wetting agent will soften the glue. Wetting the walls with the sprayer will make in removing the paste mush easier. Now fill a bucket with warm water, and add a half cup of agent to about two gallons of water. Using a dual sided scrubby sponge, wash your walls. The textured side of the sponge is used to loosen the paste on the walls. The smooth side is used for cleaning the paste off.

To ensure that your new paper or paint will adhere to your walls correctly you must always apply oil-base primer. There are many reasons why you should use an oil-base primer. A good quality primer is designed to penetrate the existing wall surface and will seal up any left over adhesive residue, and any problem areas due to the removal. Primer will also block out and seal out anything that may come through the existing wall surface. It is crucial to let your walls dry before applying a primer to work properly. Some professionals as well as the do-it-yourselfer cut corners and don't prime after removing W.P. This is a very big mistake. Prime the walls as if you were painting, cutting in all areas, and don't skimp. After the primer has dried according to the manufacturers' directions, repair any damaged areas with spackle and then sand. Spot prime wherever you have patched the walls. You are now ready for paint. If you are re-hanging paper it is crucial to let the primer dry over night.

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ON THIS SITE YOU WILL FIND: How to hang and remove wallpaper videos, Discussion Forums, Articles, Calculators, Wallpaper Tools, Supplies, and much more.

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