Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Success Through Failure

Success and failure are more closely linked than most people realize, and the fear of failure is the main reason most people never achieve success. The key point here is achieving because everything worth having must be fought for. There is nowhere for the fear of failure in the heart of a successful person.

What is success? The answers would vary like the colors of the rainbow depending on whom you ask. One person will tell you money and another will say achievement you could have either one and be successful or both and not be. Success is a state of mind closely linked with happiness, satisfaction, and personal perspective. One persons success might be another persons failure.

It amazes me where I came from, and how my concept of success has changed almost one hundred and eighty degrees. My concept used to almost be entirely focused around the attainment of large sums of money as being the measure of success. Now I realize that money is just a tool that helps to further propel real and lasting success. Success my friend is the consistent action of making a positive difference in this world, for your fellow man, and giving more than you take.

Think for one minute about some of the greatest people from history, the ones you remember fondly. They weren't all rich were they? They might have been great leaders, artists, philosophers, scientists, or prophets but they all had something in common, success. The kind of success that only comes from action produced by a focused alert mind. The path a person chooses in life is entirely up to them and that path either leads one step closer towards a personal best or drifts deeper into a lonely abyss. We choose our level of success or failure, and it is never to early or to late to get started.

Follow your passion, live your dream, there is only one life. Dreams are the roots of reality in our lives, and the deeper they are the greater. Our reality can become. All things happen first in the thought world and are then acted upon to produce reality. So in reality our dreams are the fuel that our futures are propelled with. I for one would rather have rocket fuel than wood or coal. Some folks just cannot handle the g-force of a rocket as for me I want to go fast and far. With that analogy in mind, which of the two will be for the greater good of this world?

There is no greater enemy of success than becoming comfortable with life just the way it is. Life itself is ever in motion just look at the world and observe the motion. Not to paint a dark picture but a look what happens to the little fish that stays in one places to long. The same happens to our dreams when we hesitate or refuse to act on them they are swallowed up by time. I am sure you have had a great idea then sometime eventually seen your idea on the market. The person responsible for bringing the idea to market acted upon their thoughts. Opportunities come and go so taking decisive immediate actions are essential in every aspect of success.

Failure is not necessarily an enemy it is the testing ground for success itself. Our failures serve to produce the mindset that will propel us toward achieving our goals. Become comfortable with the idea that things will not always go right and even when they don't it will be easy to find value in the experience.

Fill each day with thoughts of success no matter the clouds that may loom overhead because the sun will always shine again.

William Muncrief

"The pinnacle of success is only reached by the daring souls that have the courage to climb it." William Muncrief 2009

William blogs at

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